Saugatuck Township Recognized for Environmental Leadership

SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP, MICH – Saugatuck Township was recognized for its environmental leadership by the statewide Michigan Green Communities program. As part of the annual Michigan Green Communities (MGC) Challenge, local governments are awarded bronze, silver, or gold seals of achievement reflecting community leadership in areas such as energy efficiency, climate adaptation and resilience, recycling, environmental justice, and more.
Saugatuck Township achieved bronze status for exemplary action in multiple categories, including planning, economic development, land use, climate resilience, climate adaptation, energy efficiency, water conservation and protection, clean mobility, and community engagement.
Saugatuck Township’s impressive list of accomplishments encompasses a wide range of initiatives. Most notably, the Township is working on a comprehensive rewrite of its Zoning Ordinance. The new Zoning Ordinance incorporates residential and utility solar policies, prioritizes tree preservation measures, and introduces a new section on agritourism to provide greater flexibility of use for agricultural lands. Moreover, the new Zoning Ordinance takes significant steps towards sustainable development by incentivizing developers to include green infrastructure, low-impact design, and green construction elements. A complete renovation of the Township Hall is underway that incorporates energy efficient design. The Township has successfully implemented a Well Head Protection Zone to ensure the preservation of local water sources. Additionally, the Township has demonstrated unwavering commitment to recycling by creating residential recycling guides, instituting an annual Household Hazardous Waste drop off day, and installing a Paper Gator onsite for recycling paper products not accepted curbside. These accomplishments exemplify the Township’s dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainable growth.
The Michigan Green Communities (MGC) program is open to all local governments in Michigan, at no cost. MGC is a sustainability networking, benchmarking, and technical assistance program. It guides and supports communities in adapting to a changing climate, protecting infrastructure, improving the quality of life for residents, and creating a more environmentally and economically sustainable future for the state of Michigan.
Michigan Green Communities is supported by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy; the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services; the Michigan Economic Development Corporation; the Michigan Department of Transportation; the Michigan Department of Natural Resources; the Michigan Association of Counties; the Michigan Municipal League; and the Michigan Townships Association. More details about this program can be found at
Questions regarding the Michigan Green Communities program can be directed to
Questions regarding Saugatuck Township’s sustainability and environmental efforts can be directed to Township Manager Daniel DeFranco at